Sunday, 28 June 2015

Transgender: A Spiritual Approach

Part 3

In part 2 it was pointed out that  society has misguided definitions for the words 'man' and 'woman'.  'Male' and 'man', and 'female' and 'woman' are used interchangeably.  These definitions are deeply embedded in cultural norms and expectations. 

Most spirit beings align themselves in accordance with cultural norms and behavioral expectations.  It therefore means that the spirit being incarnate in the physical form described as 'man' most naturally will want to  function according to societal behavioral expectations of a man. In like manner, a spirit being incarnate in  the physical form described as 'woman' will want to function in accordance with the norms and behavior stipulated by society.  But society ascribe 'maleness' to man and 'femaleness' to woman.  The end result is that  a spirit being with especially a female consciousness, existing in a man form may become very uncomfortable in his skin.  Spirit beings exhibiting a female consciousness is greatly affected because  this state of consciousness  is highly emotional and seeks approval and praise. The fact that the consciousness referred to as 'male' is driven by rational thought, reason and a higher law, means that the number of women seeking to become male will be much less than men seeking to become women.  Women seeking to become men are spirit beings that are found within the transgender zone. These spirit beings are making the transition from a self consciousness to a cosmic consciousness but demonstrates much instability as their behavior sways between the two states. They have not yet fully grasp the All or the higher law.

The stable male consciousness, by the higher law within, realizes that the male he or she has become is unrelated to the physical form. These beings do not seek after a change of physical form. 

Please note carefully: issues pertaining to transgender are in no way related to homosexuality.  While transgender is a function of the spirit, mind or consciousness; Homosexuality is a function of the body or physical form.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Transgender: A Spiritual Approach

Part 2

The final state of the consciousness is the cosmic or Christ consciousness. As human beings advance within this state, thought, reflection, consideration, reason and power begins to dominate. There is a gradual decrease in the spirit being's drive to be desired or praised and there is a reduction in the attraction to what feels good, taste good and or looks good. The good of the all takes center stage and the individual is more purpose oriented.  For e.g.  the purpose for eating is more important than the taste or look of the meal. The spirit being does not engage in an activity because everyone is doing it but because this is the thing to do. In like manner, the individual may go against societal norm if there is a perceived higher good. The fear of punishment is not a deterrence.

The fact that the spirit being is not necessarily influenced by societal norms but operates according to the higher law he or she has become, the individual exhibit a calm constant not noted in the other two states. This state is referred to as male.

It was pointed out in Part 1 that society misguidedly refer to woman as feminine and man as masculine. The different stages of the consciousness is stereotyped withe some characteristic being attributed to man and others to woman. For example, a woman is expected to be more emotional in behavior than a man.  Since societal and cultural norms are intensely strong, it does bring about confusion for some states and stages of the consciousness. 

We will look at the impact of cultural norms and expectations on the consciousness in Part 3. 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Transgender: A Spiritual Approach


Spiritually speaking all human beings (or spirit beings), are androgynous. That is, the being comprises a feminine component and a masculine component. Our society misguidedly attributes masculinity to man and femininity to woman. However, while the words 'man' and 'woman' describes the anatomy or the physical form that houses the being; male or masculinity and female or femininity  describes the evolutionary stages of the human consciousness. 

In the book entitled 'The Revelation of the Eternal Realm', three states of the human consciousness have been detailed; these are the simple, the self and the cosmic or Christ consciousness. The first state (the simple or beastly consciousness) like the other two states of consciousnesses, exists in varying degrees. The simple consciousness demonstrates very little thought,  reflection, consideration or reason; and is sometimes described as 'animalistic'.  While this state is mostly noted in animals, we can also recognize it in spirit beings that have recently entered the upright form, (the form we loosely refer to as human). The reason for this is that the three states may be said to be held apart by zones of instability. Therefore, as the spirit being exits the simple consciousness and makes his way towards the self consciousness, the being becomes extremely unstable and much swaying may be noted as the consciousness fluctuates between being simple sometimes then acting as self at other times.  This instability is also demonstrated as the consciousness moves away from being self oriented and heads towards becoming cosmic. 

The second state, which is the self consciousness, is also called the emotional mind because it is highly expressive. It expresses the being's joys, sorrows, fears, approvals etc.; and is also our driving force or motivation. Since this consciousness motivates us, it is that aspect of us that makes us productive. By it many great ideas are born into reality - another reason why it is called feminine.  The self consciousness allows us to give birth. 

But this state of consciousness loves to know that it is desirable, loves to be praised and easily sways.Spirit beings exhibiting this level of consciousness tend to 'think with their emotion' and is attracted to what feels good, taste good and looks good.

We will look at the final state of the consciousness in my next blog. 

Sunday, 31 May 2015