Monday, 4 August 2014


From a spiritual perspective, good health is essential to one's spirit achieving fullness. In fact, the main purpose of the physical form we call 'our body', is that of facilitating the spirit's evolution. The individual who seeks to bring him or herself  to spiritual maturity must therefore be an active player in maintaining good health.

Never make your health solely the responsibility of your health practitioner. Educate yourself about the functions of various body parts and the steps you must take to ensure their optimal function. Take control of how you eat, what you eat, when you eat and where you go to eat. 

Do not forget the importance of exercise, meditation and introspection.

When you visit your health practitioner be  active in asking questions and seeking clarification. State clearly what you are experiencing and do not leave any detail out even if the detail is considered embarrassing by you. Listen keenly to your doctor's response. 

If your doctor suggests some tests be done, you need to know:
the name of the tests
why are these tests necessary
what information is required from these tests
how should you prepare for the tests
are there any risks associated with these tests
if there are risks, is there anything you can do to minimize the risks
will the test affect any treatment you may be undergoing
how will you be informed of the test result.

Saturday, 5 July 2014


That's the Problem

Within the book entitled, 'The Revelation of the Eternal Realm' the importance of introspection and meditation has been detailed. Many times, having challenged an individual to think, one may get the response; 'If I am to think about what you are  telling me I will be forced to stop...drinking, partying so much, being so lazy, eating the delicious but unhealthy food etc.' The individual refuses to listen to you because the behavior that comes into questioning, though seemingly undesirable to you, is personally desirable to the individual. Most likely, it appeals to the individual's sight, taste or feeling.

The important thing of note here is that the individual recognizes that thought is powerful enough to change his or her behavior. So then,... 'you keep your knowledge to yourself, what I am doing now is great fun' or; 'the information you are trying to share is out of my scope' (this is another way of  saying I am not interested in engaging thoughts about that subject matter). 

Putting thought or introspection into any subject matter does alter behavior. The absence of introspection keeps us in physical, mental and biological poverty. Engaging our own thought means a more successful life, a healthier you and more mature behavior. It is the process that must be undertaken to become fully human. But such musing is dependent on quiet time by oneself in solitude. 

A very recent scientific study done on how people respond to spending time alone concludes that most individuals will make every effort not to be alone. In fact, if for any reason some have to be alone, an electric shock would be the more preferred (an act that many engage in), than having to encounter their own thought process.

Spiritually speaking this has serious implication for humanity. Us becoming fully human is dependent on  having a personal encounter with our thoughts. This is what brings about an evolution of the spirit (which is the real man). An individual who makes every effort not to be alone is one who is very comfortable functioning in a 'lower mind' state. It is all about the moment. What feels good, tastes good, looks good or satisfies some emotional state such as affection, anger, revenge or manipulation. The individuals emotion always gets the better of him or her and this is so even at the expense of sound reasoning. 

Until we are prepared to engage the conscious unit of energy we are into that evolutionary experience that is necessary for us to become fully human a 'self consciousness' prevails that keeps us right here within this realm. We must become fully human to move on. The functions of the self conscious does not bring about a harmonious society marked by oneness. So then, to muse or be amused? This is a serious spiritual evolutionary problem of humanity.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Conquering Depression: a Spiritual Approach is the Way to Go.

Many of us either know someone who have suffered or is suffering from depression or; have been victims of depression ourselves. Depression has always been a hot topic and a cause for concern because while the effect it has on the body is known to researchers, the cause is still unknown. The science of depression focuses on the effects it has on the body. The medicine of depression focuses on treating its biology so as to improve the brain's ability to regulate the mood swings. Hence, in the absence of treatment, the individual returns to a state of depression. Please note that more often than not, the treatment administered has serious side effects on other aspects of the body.

Spiritually speaking, Most depressions are the cause of in-congruent thought process. This in-congruence takes place in our lower mind which is a composite of our moods or emotions. The lower mind which houses all our dependent emotional variable is given to swaying.  When we think with our emotion (which many of us do), we are able to hold unto two conflicting thoughts. For example: 'I love you - I hate you', 'I forgive you but I will repay you with vengeance', or 'If God is love why did he allow that murderer to kill my parents leaving me in a state of poverty and despair'. 

Since depression is an affect of the lower mind, it means that highly emotional individuals have a higher rate of depression than individuals who are not.

Each individual is a composite of multiple energy wavelengths.  The spirit, which is the real man, is a conscious unit of many energy waves. The body is the coming together of numerous energy waves  also, but because of its rate of vibration it appears solid. Strength in character or strength in mind is dependent on our thoughts. which are the energies of the mind, being in sync or in phase with each other. When waves are in phase, there is a heightened amplitude or increase in strength. On the contrary, when waves are out of sync or opposes each other they diminish ones mental strength by pulling against each other. It is this diminished state of being that is called depression.

Anything that causes our energy waves to be out of phase can cause depression. Depression is therefore caused by; in-congruent thought processes, one's perception of certain life's events (which may be seen as an arm of  in-congruent thought process), certain illnesses, mutated genes or medication. However, the majority  suffering from depression does so because of in-congruent thought process.

The fact that man is a composite of numerous energy waves connected to each other means that man is a conscious energy field. An in-congruent thought process can affect any aspect of the field, triggering bodily chemical imbalance which may cause the shrinking and or destruction of some body parts.

To administer a permanent cure to the majority who suffers from depression, training must be undertaken to bring all thoughts in phase.  The real medication for depression is therefore knowledge. It is a new outlook or perspective on life - a new world view. Double mindedness brings about instability and depression. Knowledge guides the emotion aright. 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Religiosity vs Spirituality

There are many in today's society who use the words religious and spiritual interchangeably.  The idea behind doing so is that these are two descriptive words to be applied to the same concept or imagery. The words are descriptive but they do not describe the same thought.

The religious individual is one who follows - forms, rituals, dos and don'ts. He or she is dependent on a 'school master' (most times referred to as a god), for guidance. The person is kept-in-line or is motivated by promises of rewards (heaven for example) or the fear of punishment (hell for another example). An active thought of an offended religious individual is "if it wasn't for the grace of God in me I would return a-tooth-for-a-tooth, or an-eye-for-an-eye'. In fact, many religious individuals actually return the 'tooth for a tooth' and the 'eye for an eye' with no remorse because they feel justified in carrying out what they refer to as the 'Law of Balance'.  Those who do not actively participate in this act feels imprisoned by the 'school master' because they feel forced to go against who they really are.

The spiritual individual is one who has become. The individual is not guided by any external laws, neither is dependent on a 'school master' for guidance.  He or she is not motivated by praise or reward neither by the fear of punishment. Actions are in accordance with the individual's identity. To act otherwise is going against who the person really is but who the individual has become is the Higher Law. The person is therefore non conflicting and is always 'giving-way'.

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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Pain is Good

We most time tend to think of pain as bad but can you imagine what life would be like if you could not feel pain? Pain says something is wrong that needs to be made right. The next time you feel pain do not focus on nullifying the pain. Focus your energy and attention on rectifying the situation that causes the pain. Doing this may save your life.